- A fleshed-out and saddened Zoisite


DALLES (email :: homepage :: fanfiction)
- Kunzite mugshot: side
- Kunzite mugshot: front
- Zoisite mugshot: side (He got away before the front shot could be taken.)


MELOSPIZA (DARK ANGEL) (email :: homepage ::
- Well, it is a moon of sorts
- Quite the opposite of the previous picture.


KATHY DUNCAN (email :: fanfiction)
- As the title says, this is Zoi nude, BW
- I'm sure this is strictly platonic.


JASHERKA KAT (email :: homepage)
- Zoisite and Kunzite share a tender moment
- Private lessons!
- It had better be private
- Oh my
- Zoisite grooms himself by the water
- Warmth in the dark forest
- Blue Zoi in profile
- The... um... Dark Kingdom Slayers
- Kunzite and Zoisite tip their hats to Earthian


A.C. KAYADOR (email :: fanfiction)
- Tetis and the *ahem* Jade Pillar
- Memories of Green
- Biohazard! (avec Tomoe)
- Sing Blue Silver
- Me Zoi... hair cut... love note... slim tie....
- Banana-Shouldered Youma Take Polaroids


KRISTIN (email :: homepage)
- Zoisite, miffed that you disturbed his tea time
- Talk to the hand!
- And suddenly, Zoisite seems irresistable...


LILY (email :: homepage )
- Zoisite looking bonnie and blithe


THE MACHINE (email :: homepage)
- Does Kunzite know you're wearing that?


MIRIYA (email :: homepage)
- Contrary to how it may look, he's just catching the kurozuishou.
- If you don't recognize this picture, I daresay you're not a DK fan.
- Did gravity fail him when flew out of that restaurant's window?
- If you can squeeze this out of your printer, you've got one pretty poster.
- Now why can't I grow hair like this?
- Damn, this is cute.
- "Zoisite, quit smelling my cape. People are looking."
- "People are looking???"

- Ridiculously cute Jadeite.


MOORCHIK (email :: homepage)
- Too cute for words!
- Lovely ink Kunzite and Zoisite
- Horny Jadeite
- Metamorphosis
- Love Me Fonder
- Sadness
- Seducing
- Embrace
- Angelic Zoisite


NARU-CHAN (email :: homepage)
- Zoisite floating among the sakura
- Beware the handsome strangers
- Me-ow.
- "Oh where could my body be?"
- "Ah! Much better!"
- Evidently, when they joined the DK, they left the barber behind
-, Tethys... er, Titus... whatever
- Zoisite bares some bottom!
- Lovely Zoi in technicolour
- Jadeite, doing what he does best (ie. very little)
- The creatures with the beautiful eyes


PIA'SHARN (email :: homepage)
- Zoisite looking like the nubile little pixie he is
- Zoisite flaunts his pecs and wings (two things I never guessed he had)


SAILOR FREAK (email :: homepage)
- Oh, stop being such a baby.
- And SPEAKING of babies...


- Zoisite has his fun
- Who's wearing the pants NOW, Kunzite? (ye gods)


CINTHIA T.C. (email)
- Kunzite and Zoisite get down... meh heh heh
- A genuinely frightening parade of chibi kings


TATA (email :: homepage)
- Nephrite the adorable small astronomer
- Forever Love
- Zoisite and Nephrite get drunk and shoot pool (uh oh)
- B&W drawing of Kunzite
- Wonderful, atmospheric portrait of Zoisite
- The Course
- Haunting realistic sketch of Zoi
- Beautiful CG of Zoisite
- Zoisite with a rose
- Zoisite and Kunzite
- Zoisite and Kunzite share an incriminating moment.
- A luscious portrait


- Kawaii Zoisite!


- Kunzite and Zoisite, illuminated.


These are pieces I pulled off the archives of the site, but I do not know who the artist is. Any leads are appreciated to give the artists proper credit.
- Zoisite with fan. ID'ed as Snake Avenger of the Negaverse!
- Kunzite and Zoisite, this time in sepia. ID'ed as Luna!
- Chibi Zoisite. ID'ed as Luna!
- Kunzite and Zoisite getting cuddly, again in sepia. ID'ed as Luna!
- Don't know what happened to Luna1, but this is Zoisite, a fan, and not much else. ID'ed as Luna!
- Another chibi Zoisite.
- Kunzite and Zoisite skinnydipping. Watch out for the nudity.
- Kunzite and Zoisite with a towel. This should really be under the skinnydipping picture.
- Zoisite and a pine forest. All right, I'll buy it.
- Hmmm...identity crisis, perhaps. Looks like it might be Zoi no Miko's signature.
- Zoisite grows wings rather a lot. ID'ed as Zoi no Miko.


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