This site was created in August 1998 to hold my then-few items of Dark Kingdom fanfiction, under the name "The Hall of Shame." Sometime around November maybe, the page was divided into sections for long stories, short ones, etc. as you see today.
In February '99 the site migrated to Virtualave, and it may've been around that time also that the name was changed. I really don't know for sure. The page had turned out to be a little more of a project than I had at first envisioned, and I thought it deserved something a little less stupid. The now-title refers to Zoisite's line in episode 35, "Kore shiki no koto desu...", and will hopefully continue to serve me faithfully.
In brief, the site houses my fanfiction, a few examples of my fanart, and a little other stuff.
Work done on: "Galaxy Express 999" (Mac G4 running OS 9)
Using: BBEdit 4, Photoshop 5.5, Netscape Navigator 4.0.8